PowerTime Supervisor Tools

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PowerTime helps Supervisors feel confident that they have accurate information and the best tools to fulfill their duties.
Without Supervisors, admins would be overloaded, shifts would be short-staffed from uncoordinated vacations, and timesheets wouldn’t get sent to payroll. It would be a disaster. So we gave them a dedicated area in PowerTime that makes their work faster, their obligations easier, and their experiences more convenient.
Take Action with Confidence
A screenshot of the Supervisor's list of waiting Action Items in PowerTime


The Action Items Page is the first thing Supervisors will see in their area. Here, Supervisors are given a convenient list of all the pending items in their group that are awaiting their attention. Whether that be new Time Off Requests, Timesheet or Expenses Approvals, or Auto Punch review, all of the alerts that require their input are laid out on an easy-to-read table, and each item has a quick access button that takes you straight to the action.

No matter how many employees your Supervisors has to watch over, the Action Items page ensures that nothing will be missed, and your Supervisors won’t be overwhelmed.


On this page, your Supervisors can navigate the tree structure of employees within their group. Use the Date Range filter to narrow your search or find specific people, and touch the attached buttons to jump straight to that employee’s timesheet, expense sheet, or time off requests. There are also messaging quick-links here that can save you a trip to the Messaging Page.

The employee list is available to the Supervisor at any time, and is extremely useful for reviewing past and current timesheets, transaction logs, or time off schedules.

Everybody Loves a Good List
A screenshot of a Supervisor's list of employees in PowerTime, including quick links to their Timesheets, time off status, and so on
Say Goodbye to Guesswork
A screenshot of the supervisor's Calendar View in PowerTime, which displays employees' time off requests directly on the calendar


This wonderful visual tool makes planning employee leave a breeze. On the Time Off Calendar, all of the supervisor’s employees’ Time Off Requests are laid out in an easy-to-read form for maximum clarity. With just a quick glance, it’s easy to identify potential vacation overlaps, ideal dates for employees to request Time off and the status of each request. As with the Supervisor’s other tools, clicking on an employee’s name from the calendar will bring up more details, and enable management of individual requests.

With this potent tool in your hands, you don’t have to fear common concerns like short-staffing or overlapping absences.


Someone has to watch over employees’ leave time, and with PowerTime, that someone no longer has to wrangle countless e-mails, handwritten notes, and verbal requests into a workable schedule. You can lift some of the burden of responsibility from your Admins’ shoulders by trusting the task to Supervisors. When an employee makes a time off request, your Supervisors can see it immediately via the Calendar or Action Item pages, and they can view all the details and approve or deny the request based on their criteria and staffing needs.

Once a request is approved or denied, PowerTime applies the Leave Balance calculations automatically, and Admins just need to export that data to your payroll system at the end of the Pay Period. PowerTime makes it so easy to create and manage Time Off Requests that it barely feels like a job at all.

Vacations Should Be Easy
A screenshot of an employee's Time Off request in PowerTime, showing the selected days on a small calendar, comments, number of hours requested, and more
Get Your Message Out
A screenshot of PowerTime's message inbox, showing a list of messages the user has received


Last but not least is the Messaging system. Employees and supervisors can enhance their communication and record-keeping by entering their own comments in certain areas, such as Time Off Requests or the Daily Punch Clock section. In addition to that, Supervisors and Admins can send messages to their employees at any time. Maybe they need to ask an employee to fill out or correct a timesheet or expense sheet. Or they might have questions about a certain time entry or a leave request. When Supervisors are visiting the Employee List, they can select an individual or a group of employees to send a message to. These employees will be notified by e-mail of the correspondence, and can read it and respond by logging in to PowerTime.

With the Messaging System, a record of conversations is established inside PowerTime. In this way, no information gets lost, and nobody has to get frustrated searching for a previous correspondence.

We build business by building relationships.
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